pavimento quirinale scagliolaSince 1989, Scagliole & Stucchi d’Arte is an international point of reference for Scagliola / Stucco marble and has proved to be a Leader in this artistic domain.
And of course it offers itself for highly specialized restorations of old scagliolas and as a consultant and advisory service to companies.
It operates both in Italy and abroad.

More than 20 years of experience is what has enabled the firm to offer his clients high quality artistic coverings and shorter delivery times compared to average standards.

Joint work with experts and professionals of this domain enables us to satisfy any request, offering turnkey products.

Result is a kind of uninterrupted covering, outstandingly matching the rarest and most expensive marbles. Marble and Stucco Scagliola is an antique and noble tecnique dating back to the 6th century, but it has never been so contemporary as nowadays.
Being the marbling in the mixture and not on the surface, it can be easily rejuvenated over time.


scagliola lucidatura
pannello in scagliola
scagliola colonne